We are an organization of counseling and human development professionals based in Virginia who believe spiritual, ethical, and religious values are essential to the overall development of the person and are committed to integrating these values into the counseling process. VA-ASERVIC is a division of the Virginia Counselor’s Association and works closely with this state branch to provide accurate and updated spiritual, ethical, and religious integration content to counseling and human development professionals.

Our Mission

VA-ASERVIC creates an environment to empower the expression, exploration, development, and research of evolving spiritual, ethical and religious values as they relate to the person, society, and the profession of counseling and human development.

  •  We do not discriminate or promote any specific religious institution or spiritual beliefs. Our division is inclusive and promotes tolerance across all cultural backgrounds.
  • We encourage all counseling professionals to consider their clients’ unique religious and spiritual beliefs as a way of promoting healing and holistic wellness.
  • We also support spiritual competence and ethical practices for professionals so they may better understand themselves in order to help others.

Our division is led by an annually rotating board.

Meet our 2020-2021 Board Members.

“Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

– Buddha

Join Our Team

VA-ASERVIC Membership allows you to:

Discover how to join our division on our Membership page.

Learn more about VA-ASERVIC activity on our Resources page.